A short description of the post.
ggplot(tactile_prop_red, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white") +
labs(x = "Proportion of 50 balls that were red",
tittle = "Distribution of 33 proportions red")
virtual_shovel <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 50, reps = 1)
# A tibble: 50 × 3
# Groups: replicate [1]
replicate ball_ID color
<int> <int> <chr>
1 1 2105 red
2 1 796 white
3 1 681 red
4 1 920 red
5 1 1019 white
6 1 653 white
7 1 1295 white
8 1 1736 white
9 1 1450 red
10 1 2009 red
# … with 40 more rows
virtual_shovel %>%
mutate(is_red = (color == "red")) %>%
summarize(num_red = sum(is_red)) %>%
mutate(prop_red = num_red / 50)
# A tibble: 1 × 3
replicate num_red prop_red
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 19 0.38
# A tibble: 1 × 3
replicate num_red prop_red
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 19 0.38
virtual_samples <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 50, reps = 33)
# A tibble: 1,650 × 3
# Groups: replicate [33]
replicate ball_ID color
<int> <int> <chr>
1 1 1770 red
2 1 971 red
3 1 1882 white
4 1 2145 white
5 1 1753 red
6 1 449 white
7 1 943 white
8 1 490 white
9 1 401 white
10 1 2008 white
# … with 1,640 more rows
# A tibble: 33 × 2
# Groups: replicate [33]
replicate n
<int> <int>
1 1 50
2 2 50
3 3 50
4 4 50
5 5 50
6 6 50
7 7 50
8 8 50
9 9 50
10 10 50
# … with 23 more rows
# A tibble: 66 × 3
# Groups: replicate [33]
replicate color n
<int> <chr> <int>
1 1 red 16
2 1 white 34
3 2 red 17
4 2 white 33
5 3 red 22
6 3 white 28
7 4 red 22
8 4 white 28
9 5 red 18
10 5 white 32
# … with 56 more rows
virtual_prop_red <- virtual_samples %>%
group_by(replicate) %>%
summarize(red = sum(color == "red")) %>%
mutate(prop_red = red / 50)
# A tibble: 33 × 3
replicate red prop_red
<int> <int> <dbl>
1 1 16 0.32
2 2 17 0.34
3 3 22 0.44
4 4 22 0.44
5 5 18 0.36
6 6 22 0.44
7 7 18 0.36
8 8 20 0.4
9 9 23 0.46
10 10 19 0.38
# … with 23 more rows
virtual_samples_25 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 25, reps = 1000)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_25, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 25 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1000 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 25 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1000 proportions red"
[1] "labels"
virtual_samples_50 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 50, reps = 1000)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_50, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 50 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1000 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 50 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1000 proportions red"
[1] "labels"
virtual_samples_100 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 100, reps = 1000)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_100, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 100 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1000 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 100 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1000 proportions red"
[1] "labels"
virtual_samples_30 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 30, reps = 1120)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_30, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 30 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1120 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 30 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1120 proportions red"
[1] "labels"
virtual_samples_55 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 55, reps = 1120)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_55, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 55 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1120 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 55 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1120 proportions red"
[1] "labels"
virtual_samples_114 <- bowl %>%
rep_sample_n(size = 114, reps = 1120)
ggplot(virtual_prop_red_114, aes(x = prop_red)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05, boundary = 0.4, color = "white")
labs(x= "proportion of 114 balls that were red",
title = "Distribution of 1120 proportions red")
[1] "proportion of 114 balls that were red"
[1] "Distribution of 1120 proportions red"
[1] "labels"